Have you tried using ‘Pill Pockets’—they are little mushy, gummy treats that are made like a pocket.  You put pill in it & then squish the treat around it.  I think that the consistency & smell prevent the cat from figuring out there’s a pill in there.  My guys generally like those.  You can search on web for ‘Pill Pockets’ to get the best price…..


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mari Kolbe
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:12 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: Opinions wanted on Royal Canin v. Wellness please




Very interesting - how did you ascertain that it was the red dyes?  I have long suspected that it was the dyes in the various foods that have caused many of mine to vomit their food so I have been not feeding anything that obviously has colored kibble in it.  Are all the dyes marked as "Red Dye #xx" or are some of them disguised as other chemical names?  


How do Coebeio's allergies manifest themselves?  We currently have a four year old cerebellar hypoplasia cat who is a manx mix totally blind epileptic (his identical sister is totally blind and deaf).  He was fine up until about a year ago and then started digging around his face and neck - literally raw.  We at first thought earmites and had him checked.  All parasites, fleas, earmites  - negative.  His vet says food allergies and he has had a series of depo medrol injections which did nothing.  Vet has had him on several of the different single source protein foods - no change.  Currently he is on Royal Canins special allergy dry food and we are not seeing any change.  


We have to feed him canned food as that is the only way to get his phenobarbitol into him for his seizures and we tried several different allergy canned foods.  He will eat them a couple of days and then just stop eating - ANYTHING so we have gone back to canned cr** food to mix his meds in which I know is defeating the purpose.  Any ideas on canned food that might be better for him that he will eat would be appreciated.  He has to have the canned food for meds because while he only weighs 4#, being blind makes him totally freak if you try to administer meds to him any other way.  And once he starts to panic, it brings on a seizure. (Little stinker won't eat the Eagle Pack canned and our Petco's quit carrying the Solid Gold which he would eat a few months ago.......)


Thanks again, T, for your input.



On 6/22/05, tamara stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



I feed Coebeio the hairball formula.  She has horrible allergies, but it seems to be easy on her stomach and she likes it.  Plus when Quintapus was alive, I bought it because it was low in phosphorous and he had CRF.  Coey also eats the chicken, mixed in from time to time to keep her interest.


A lot of cat foods have salmon or shell fish in them and oddly enough, Coebeio is allergic not to the grains, but to red food dye (which like the dyes in lipstick- comes from fish oil), salmon and shell fish.


I also feed high quality cat canned food, such as : Solid Gold, Eagle pack, Merrick.


Hope this helps.


Mari Kolbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:



Which Eagle Pack are you feeding?  We have several with allergies and are having trouble finding a food that truly makes a difference.  Someone gave me two different dry formula Eagle Pack foods and both had grains in them.  Do you feed canned also?


/mari  (Spirit Cat)


On 6/21/05, tamara stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:



Personally speaking, my cats did better on Wellness than Royal Canin.  They like(d) both tho.  I now feed Eagle Pack (because of Coebeio's allergies-she does better on it), BUT, I use other high quality cat foods, Wellness...Royal Canin, Wysong, Newmans, as treats instead of buying the more expensive cat "treats" that are basically just corn and by-products.  Besides...two 6lb bags will last you 12 months or more...for say...$20 total...when cat treats are what(?) $2 per pouch and that only lasts about a week.


Just a thought.



/mari (SpiritCat)
Until there are none, adopt one.
SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkees
of southeastern Texas

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/mari (SpiritCat)
Until there are none, adopt one.
SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkees
of southeastern Texas

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