Hi Kerry,
I'm sorry to hear that Bandy's temp went back up; I hope he'll get thru the weekend on that injection.  It's great that he's eating and drinking and all is output is normal.  Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers and hoping we find some answers for him and for Tater Tot soon!!!

Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi,                                                                                                                              Bandy didn't seem to feel too good today...His temp was up to 104.2 and he did go almost 5 days without it going up to that...He did receive another dex inj. but it is cut down to 1/4cc now..hopefully to get him thru the weekend...he is eating and drinking alot...Bowels and kidneys are working fine...He doesn't have any eye or nose discharge..He never has..
I think we are going to get an appt. next week to an internal med specialist that I have used in the past...It is about 120 miles away and he won't like the ride, but he needs some answers because this temp thing could go on and on...
Thank you Julie and Michelle for your replies...
I did ask about the metacam and immuno-regulin...I have read about the metacam and it seems to be more for dogs and not so good for cats...Have you used it in your kitties before without any side effects?  Also, the immuno-regulin, my vet has but she said she had never had very good result with it...I think it might be a good thing though..except for the temporary rise in the temp...I do hope we can get into the spec. next week..or asap...
I will check more on the lysine though, too...I think I am going to add some Vit. C tonight and maybe some CO Q10....
Anyway, any other suggestions would be appreciated...A good thing is that he has gained 1 lb 71/2 oz. since this all started in middle of June...I think that is a good jump for a small kitty. I hope I can get another 1 lb on him...
I do hope your Tator Tot and Bramble are doing better today...
We will be thinking about you.
Kerry and Bandy

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