To give water to a cat, we usually give subutaneous fluids, which a vet needs to give you and show you how to give. The liver shake has a lot of liquid in it. If Cloud eat it or you syringe it, I would not worry about syringing water orally.  When you next see a vet, though, you might want to ask about sub-q fluids. They are  not hard to give. The thing with anemia is, though, that if you hydrate then too much they feel more anemic because it thins the blood. So right now I would focus on food and getting a real diagnosis and probably some steroids and antibiotics.
In a message dated 8/29/05 2:48:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thank you Michelle,

                   I am going to go get the stuff to make this in about 1.5 hrs...Thank you....Maybe Cloud will eat this...What about water, should I be feeding Cloud water also? Lisa


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