Hear Hear - what she says - I  totally agree!  Gloria

On Aug 31, 2005, at 8:01 AM, Julie Johnson wrote:

Hi Terri,

My personal view is that an animal with a chronic disease (be it diabetes or feline leukemia or whatever) does not need the challenge to their immune system that vaccinations present.

The leukemia vaccine would be of no benefit since they are already presumably positive.

It's more expensive, but if you choose to vaccinate, the vet can order single vaccines so that they aren't getting hit with 4 all at once.

Hope this helps.


Terri Durham-Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I am new to Leukemia, but have 4 kittens (4 months) that have
tested pos 2 times now and am wondering, they have had their 1st shots
(3-1's) but not with Leukemia, should they get at least a 4-1 ? I was
told "not" to give them the Leukemia.

Thank you

Terri Durham-Stone
Safe a Life "Spay and Neuter"
Live well, Love much, Laugh Often

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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