I have a cat who is negative, but he doesn't want to
eat either.  
My homeopathic vet recommends a supplement called
Amino B-Plex.  
It has amino acids, B vitamins to stimulate the
appetite, potassium, iron, a few other things that
aren't  familiar to me.  It's a liquid, and they seem
to like it.  You just squirt it in their mouth.  

It doesn't have sodium benzoate, which is a
preservative that isn't OK for cats (even tho a lot of
cat products use it)

I don't know how high calorie it is, but I am
wondering how many calories are in a tablespoon of
nutrical and what that actually translates to for a

The website listed on the bottle is www.naturaldvm.com
if anyone is interested. 


--- Elizabeth Paz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've never heard of Nutrical, is it a food
> supplement?  This sounds very 
> good and quite easy to give, at this point I am
> willing to try anything.  
> Thank you so much, I will be picking up a tube
> tomorrow.
> 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #A0C6E5 
> 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'><font 
> color=#A0C6E5 
> size=1>
> From:  <i>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</i><br>Reply-To:  
> <i>felvtalk@felineleukemia.org</i><br>To:  
> <i>felvtalk@felineleukemia.org</i><br>Subject: 
> <i>Re: RE: 
> Lisa--Nutrical</i><br>Date:  <i>Wed, 31 Aug 2005
> 12:16:34 
> -0500</i><br>&gt;This is a good way to administer
> Nutrical, if it hasn't 
> been suggested<br>&gt;already!  It's a high-calorie
> gel that comes in a tube 
> (can also be<br>&gt;found at Petsmart, etc.)...just
> put some on your finger 
> and scrape<br>&gt;against the roof of kitty's
> mouth...I've also put some on 
> paws so that<br>&gt;they're forced to lick it
> off...but you can't put too 
> much as cat's have<br>&gt;a tendency to want to
> shake it off before they 
> lick it off...I've got<br>&gt;splatterings of
> Nutrical all over the 
> if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To
> me, you will 
> be<br>&gt;unique in all the world. To you, I shall
> be unique in all the 
> world; You<br>&gt;become responsible, forever, for
> what you have 
> tamed...&quot; --Antoine
> de<br>&gt;Saint-Exupéry<br>&gt;<br>&gt;&quot;If you 
> talk to the animals they will talk with you and you
> will know<br>&gt;each 
> other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know
> them, and 
> what<br>&gt;you do not know you will fear. What one
> fears one 
> destroys.&quot; --Chief
> Dan<br>&gt;George<br>&gt;<br>&gt;----- Original 
> Message -----<br>&gt;From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
&lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;<br>&gt;Date:
> Wednesday, August 31, 
> 2005 11:13 am<br>&gt;Subject: RE:
> Lisa<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &gt; Hi, Lisa, are 
> you using syringe?  I have one cat, Leo who
> just<br>&gt; &gt; hated 
> to<br>&gt; &gt; be fed with syringe and everthing
> could come out from his 
> mouth ---<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; My vet also told
> me a different way of 
> feeding with your finger - you<br>&gt; &gt; take a
> pallatble food like baby 
> food or cannned food, and put some on<br>&gt; &gt;
> the tip of your pointing 
> finger . you put the food side up (the<br>&gt; &gt;
> oppositeside of where 
> your nail is), and put it into his mouth --<br>&gt;
> &gt; rub against<br>&gt; 
> &gt; the top of his palate -<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt;
> &gt; How is he doing 
> today?<br>&gt; &gt; -----Original
> Message-----<br>&gt; &gt; From: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>&gt; &gt; 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Elizabeth<br>&gt; 
> &gt; PazSent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:11
> PM<br>&gt; &gt; To: 
> felvtalk@felineleukemia.org<br>&gt; &gt; Subject:
> Hideyo<br>&gt; 
> &gt;<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; Thank you for your
> kind words, I will keep 
> trying.  It just that he<br>&gt; &gt; struggles so
> much that I worry about 
> getting him all stressed out.  He<br>&gt; &gt;
> does<br>&gt; &gt; put up one 
> heck of a struggle.  His head is so strong and it
> moves<br>&gt; &gt; 
> so<br>&gt; &gt; quickly.<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt;
> But I will keep trying.  
> He was so ill  in 03 that we did not think
> he<br>&gt; &gt; would<br>&gt; 
> &gt; make it but we worked so hard on getting him so
> healthy and 
> chubby.<br>&gt; &gt; butthis<br>&gt; &gt; is so
> different with the food.  I 
> can easily give him his pills, but<br>&gt; &gt;
> this<br>&gt; &gt; food 
> stuff, what can I say, this is just tearing my heart
> up.<br>&gt; 
> &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; Thank You for support.<br>&gt;
> &gt; Lisa<br>&gt; 
> &gt;<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt;
> &gt; &lt;BLOCKQUOTE 
> style='PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px;
> BORDER-LEFT:<br>&gt; &gt; 
> #A0C6E5<br>&gt; &gt; 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT:
> 0px'&gt;&lt;font<br>&gt; &gt; 
> &gt; 
> color=#A0C6E5<br>&gt; &gt; size=1&gt;<br>&gt; &gt;
> From:  
> &lt;i&gt;&amp;quot;Hideyo Yamamoto&amp;quot;<br>&gt;
> &gt; 
&lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&amp;gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;br&gt;Reply-To:<br>&gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; 
>   &lt;i&gt;RE: Won't<br>&gt; &gt; Eat....Please 
> Help&lt;/i&gt;&lt;br&gt;Date:  &lt;i&gt;Tue, 30 Aug
> 2005 17:20:06<br>&gt; 
> &gt; -0600&lt;/i&gt;&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;Lisa, I can
> emphasize your pain - my 
> Felv positive,<br>&gt; &gt; Ginger<br>&gt; &gt; 
> stopped&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;eating for over a week a
> several months<br>&gt; 
> &gt; ago.&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;She is
> already a very small 
> girl, and did not want<br>&gt; &gt; her<br>&gt; &gt;
> to lose any 
> more&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;weight - so as Nina mentioned,
> I assisted<br>&gt; &gt; 
> her to<br>&gt; &gt; eat<br>&gt; &gt; with syringe
> every&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;day 
> with baby food and liver shake<br>&gt; &gt; 
> -&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;I will be
> praying that your kitty will 
> bounce back<br>&gt; &gt; very<br>&gt; &gt; soon - so
> stay&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;calm (I know it's hard, but do
> your best) and<br>&gt; 
> &gt; talkto<br>&gt; &gt; him gently
> and&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;tell him how much 
> he means to you and how he is<br>&gt; &gt;
> going<br>&gt; &gt; to get better 
> very&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;very
> soon..&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;Love 
> and hugs to<br>&gt; &gt; you<br>&gt; &gt; and your 
> &gt; Message-----&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;From:<br>&gt;
> &gt; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;[mailto:Felvtalk-<br>&gt;
> &gt; [EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>&gt; &gt; On
> Behalf Of 
> Nina&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005
> 3:55<br>&gt; &gt; 
> PM&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;To:<br>&gt; &gt; 
> Re: Won't 
> Eat....Please<br>&gt; &gt;
> Help&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;Hi 
> Lisa,&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;I can hear the panic in your
> voice<br>&gt; &gt; 
> and<br>&gt; &gt; how very much you love
> your&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;Kitty.  You 
> are right, you need to<br>&gt; &gt; get<br>&gt; &gt;
> him to eat.   It is 
> wonderful&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;that he has been so
> healthy<br>&gt; &gt; and 
> has<br>&gt; &gt; a<br>&gt; &gt; few extra pounds to
> help 
> him&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;maintain right now.  He is
> in<br>&gt; &gt; 
> dangerof<br>&gt; &gt; HL if he goes without
> eating&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;anything 
> in a 24 to 48 hour<br>&gt; &gt; period.<br>&gt; &gt;
> That means if you get 
> something&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;down him, he'll probably
> be<br>&gt; &gt; 
> okay.I<br>&gt; &gt; know the sound of 
> &amp;quot;syringe&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;feeding&amp;quot;
> can be<br>&gt; &gt; 
> intimidating.<br>&gt; &gt; Don't think of it as
> &amp;quot;force&amp;quot; 
> feeding,&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;think of it<br>&gt; &gt;
> as<br>&gt; &gt; 
> &amp;quot;assisted&amp;quot; feeding.  Like you
> would a baby.  There 
> is<br>&gt; &gt; a&lt;br&gt;&amp;gt;group for help
> with this, here's 
> the<br>&gt; &gt; 
=== message truncated ===

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