Hi Michelle,
Do Patches teeth appear to be loose at all?  Ketamine might be a way to go without the risk of general anesthesia as long as the extractions don't require actual surgery.
Chappy (FeLV+) was neutered under Ketamine; I didn't want to risk GA with him, but I felt he was really being stressed by being sexually intact.  He was fine with the procedure; he was symptomatic and I did ultimately lose him, but he had no problems tolerating Ketamine.
Bleau had an abcessed tooth pulled under Ketamine; he's negative and the tooth was very loose.  The Ketamine doesn't keep them out too long and so for a procedure that is under about 15 minutes, it might be something to consider. 

Thanks, Nina. Lucy is actually doing ok. She has blood in her urine, but it is only visible sometimes, and she seems generally ok. I may wait it out until Friday and do the cystocentisis (urine sample via needle) and the bacteria-sensitive culture. 
As for Patches, my gut says not to do any oral surgery if she is feeling ok, but I really am not sure about that. She could be having effects from the broken teeth that I can not see.  But for a 5 year old positive, I am inclined to leave well enough alone for fear of triggering the disease. As you know, though, if the broken teeth are painful or are wicking bacteria into her system, this could trigger the disease too. I had not thought of caps.  I think I will do some internet research on whether this is a possibility. Thanks.
In a message dated 9/13/2005 1:07:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hello Michelle,
How is Lucy doing now?  How terrifying to have her symptoms be so
pronounced and not be able to do anything for her for a week!  I know
how difficult it is to want to do SOMETHING, and not know what the best
course is.  The decisions we are forced to make for our oh so dependent
loved ones are never easy.  I wish I could give you better advice, but
all I can say is listen to your intuition.  Momma really does know best.

As far as Patches goes... If her teeth haven't been bothering her, I'd
probably leave them the hell alone.  Too bad they can't be filed or
capped with out general anesthesia.  If the dentist says he thinks they
should be pulled, I'd ask about filling/capping them instead.  At any
rate, she's probably better off going through whatever procedure you
think necessary while she's healthy.

As always, I'm thinking about you and yours, praying for good health for
them and clear choices for you.

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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