I am so glad you rescued that baby, humans CAN NOT GET Feline lukemia do not worry about it, and you should definately take her to a vet and get her checked out, if she is having trouble breathing.
Please, please keep us informed...I am worried about the baby

brit n/a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I found a little tiny kitten on the side of the road one day while i was walking home from school the kitten look kind of malnutricioned and very vulronable to male cats trying to kill it so I took responsibility for the cat and took it home for the night. actually i should mention today is friday i found it thursday afternoon. it was also raining and the kitten was very wet and no mother cat was around (i think someone had dropped it off).  My question to you is the next day the cat was having trouble breathing, symptons like it was going to die but i was wondering if you could tell me if there are any physical health concerns to worry about if the Kitten did have Feline Lukemia I really need to know, because the kitten died shortly after we left this morning.  id very much appriciate your help and thank you so much its a very tough situation! (ie: if i had the kitten on like blankets and things or clothes would there be any physicals signs that humans could get feline lukemia? Please feel free to email me back whenever you get time thank you all sooo much i very appreciate it!!
Brit B

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