Dear Julie,
My heart is breaking for go thru so much w/ your babies all at one time. It just doesn't seem fair.
I am happy Eduardo made it home. Maybe there is still hope my Charity will return.
I agree, you should call the oncoligist right away. I know the oncologist I woek with is very compassionate and will not put anymore stress/turmoil on patient/caregiver by making them "wait" for an appt. I usually get in within 24-48 hours.
We have had several cats at the shelter that had to have that surgery. I remember one, in particular, Gummy Bear, (she came in a "toothless senior, thus the name. Since she was soo old, we almost did not do the surtgery, but she was everyon's darling, and we decided to go ahead & do it, considering all the risks, we wanted to give her the chance to live out her life. Needless to say, our old girl DID make it thru successfully.
I hope her story will give you some hope.
My prayers are with you, Mandy & Wink.
P.S. What exactly is Pau D'Arco used for??

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