I just wanted to thank all of you for taking the time to read my story and for your advice and feedback. It's been a really, really tough week, and I know I haven't even seen the worst of this disease. My heart really goes out to you all, as I ready your stories. I'm dealing with FeLv with three cats I intended to put up for adoption, so I didn't allow myself to get too attached to them, and yet, my heart is just broken over this. Sheesh! I came from a dog family, we were not permitted to have cats as kids, and now here I am with a pack of them, and I'm amazed at their ability to creep in and grab hold of my heart! I'm still worried to death about the health of my own cats, but I certainly take comfort in knowing that this group exists; I am so grateful for everything that I've learned about food, vitamins, longevity, and the power of love, in the short time I've been reading the posts here.

I heard from Lynn at The Best Little Cat House in PA, and she'll take Emilio and Frito; I convinced my mother, who is not a cat person, to take the Mama cat, at least until the holidays, when we can have her retested. I'm hoping, but not overly optimistic, about her chances, but she might be a carrier, rather than a victim. I'm hoping my mom will finally see how wonderful cats are, and decide to keep the kitty, no matter what the test results are. But if not, we'll deal with the situation then.

Thanks again for everything.

With love to you all -

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