Isn't it odd how people talk about someone behaving "like an animal" when
they behave in a particulary nasty way.
No animal is capable of the horrors perpetrated by humans.
I would like to see a huge campaign mounted to encourage a boycott of
Chinese goods until they shape up. Since half the stuff we buy these days
seems to come from China it would have to give them pause.
On the other hand there probably isn't a single country in the world that
treats animals with respect.
I like to think that one day people will look back at the way we behave
towards animals as they look at slavery today---and wonder how we could
possibly have thought it was ok to use, abuse, eat and wear them.

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2005 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: Chinese cat and dog fur

> ABC News, I think it was 20/20, also had a segment on the Chinese dog
> and cat fur trade and a video! There was a German Shepherd, tail
> happily wagging, being led off to his terrible fate and then it was
> filmed.
> Let's face it, all fur is cruel! Whether an wild animal is caught in a
> trap, has it's neck broken or suffers anal electrocution on a
> fur "farm" - where it's life has been spent in a tiny cage - the fur
> trade is cruelty incarnate. Nobody has to wear fur anymore except
> perhaps some Inuit who live in Arctic regions.
> Check out a great video called "The Witness" made by a group called
> Tribe of Heart. It's about an average blue collar worker from, I
> think, the Bronx, who discovers the inner workings of the fur trade.
> In the final scene, he had rigged up a video camera on his van and
> drives around Manhattan showing scenes of animals struggling in traps,
> being killed for fur, to holiday shoppers. Many onlookers look
> stunned, avert their eyes, and some cry.
> Bonnie in WI
> ----- Original Message -----
> Date: Sunday, October 30, 2005 11:35 am
> Subject: Chinese cat and dog fur
> > Yes unfortunately very true. It is much cheaper to import cat and
> > dog fur
> > from china than fake fur. Last year I voiced my disgust at a
> > couple of shops
> > here in the uk for passing furry ball scarfs off as fake - they
> > were not
> > labelled and smelled like animal and you could see the animal skin
> > it was so  poorly
> > made. I ended up repoting the shops to peta and getting fur trade
> > info  sent
> > out to them. The chinese fur trade is cruel beyond belief. Peta
> > recently  got
> > some undercover video footage which I daren't watch because I'll
> > be  too
> > traumatised. They do skin alive as they believe the adrenylin
> > pumping  provides for
> > a better quality pelt. They steal people's pets too for the fur -
> > the whole
> > thing is sick. I know peta are often seen as extreme but on this
> > one  they
> > appear to be spot on sadly.
> >
> > Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble (After my sighting I
> > played
> > Bramble's favourite music and had his ashes casket on one shoulder
> > and tidge's  on
> > the other telling them I'm happy for them to be with me whenever
> > they  want)
> >

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