My most recent kitten Mystery had ringworm, without my knowledge and I brought her in my house of 10 cats, 1 dog and my FeLV+ cat is the only one that caught it and of course I did is really bad, I used an antibactial spray three days on and 1 day off for 3 weeks and that helped, with me I took Difulcan and used rubbing alcohol on the wounds, it was not fun ;-(

Cats that have had URI often bust out in ringworm...welcome to my world.Its from the lowered immune system.  I use blue start ointment and it never fails you can get it in any pharmacy. Or in real bad cases I take them to the vet and he gives them a liquid....don't know what it is though works every time.
its contagious to humans and to other animals so careful when handling them.
BTW the interferon on my URI negative kittens has made all the difference in the world.

Have a purrfect day

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