I sure hope you don't have the RW :(  This is not fun but I knew we'd have it eventually since I do a little rescue and have a herd of cats.  Little Ms Purrsy brought it with her and was diagnosed early-mid August ... I was so very careful handling her, isolated her immediately in her condo and it still moved into the big house and what a hassle.  The cats are on Griseofulvin (except the two FIV+ who take Itraconazole) and topical Lotrimin liquid.  I can't say that either works.  Some cats healed, some still broke out but very slow improvement, some with new outbreaks after being on the oral for over three weeks.  Frustrating.  Reading all the cleaning required, sorry, I don't have time enough in my day to do all of what should be done, not even close, and I am retired.  Maybe we will have it forever.  $$$$.  Maybe $500 already.  And the UV light ... not all RW will flouresce even with the doc's expensive Wood light.  Some RW shows up as fur loss, some with crud, some sores, some itch others do not.  How many times can I use the word frustrating?  May I add that I do not regret having my cats nor taking this little rescue who brought the RW even if we never get rid of it.  If no one has already given it, there is a RW yahoo group and I'll fwd it.  There is a gel suggested that is supposed to work wonderful and I am about to order some of it.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 12:30 PM
Subject: RE: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

Really?  Why is it such a nightmare?  Is it because it’s contagious and hard to get rid of?  It won’t kill them or make them really sick, will they?  Someone told me that I should get a black light to confirm it.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 11:28 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens


Oh man, let's hope your guys don't have ringworm.  I've never had to deal with it myself, but it sounds like a real nightmare!  I'll send you my compiled notes on treatment for it off-list.  Does anyone know how to confirm diagnosis w/o taking a kitty to the vet?


Cats that have had URI often bust out in ringworm...welcome to my world.Its from the lowered immune system.  I use blue start ointment and it never fails you can get it in any pharmacy. Or in real bad cases I take them to the vet and he gives them a liquid....don't know what it is though works every time.

its contagious to humans and to other animals so careful when handling them.

BTW the interferon on my URI negative kittens has made all the difference in the world.

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