Sandy C:
Greetings from yet another fellow Houstonian (what area?  we are east side).
High quality food and immune boosting supplements will go a long way towards giving Cotton the "fuel" he needs to gain weight and strength.  As you are already seeing - this is a great list full of members with years and years of experience all willing to share. 
We personally have been caring for leuk positives (and mixing with vaccinated negative cats) for over 20 years.  The same information that was available to us back then is still circulating on the internet as "current" and many vets are still giving caregivers the test results with a death sentence for the cat.  Thankfully, there are some vets who are listening to their clients and clients who are refusing to take pts as the only option (and we are sharing information on lists like these), so many more cats are getting a chance for a longer life.  Sadly, in our 20 years we have lost very young kittens, but we have also had many who lived 10 or more years.  
I think it is wonderful that you are one of the ones who didn't listen to the vet and are willing to do all you can for Cotton.  Feeding him the best food you can afford and adding the various supplements mentioned, will go a long ways towards giving him what he needs to become strong and healthy.
/mari (SpiritCat)
Until there are none, adopt one.
SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkees
of southeastern Texas

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