Is it possible to have the vet come to your house? That alone would make it much less stressful.

Also just curious, how long has Cricket been on baby food, this is not a substitute for cat food, it doesn't have the vitimin requirements a cat needs? Also how much food are you actually getting into Cricket, a teaspoon here and there is not enough and Cricket will die from lack of food if that is the case. When syringe feeding a cat that isn't eating you have to get atleast 180 to 200 ccs of food into them daily if you don't they are at risk of developing Fatty Liver Disease and this will kill them.

If Cricket isn't getting very much food it will make weaker and sicker, the weaker and sicker he gets, the less he will want to eat, it is a vicous cycle and food is the ONLY way to stop it.

I've been going throught the archives and it looks like Cricket has been getting small amounts of baby food for quite a while, this will not sustain him, he needs real food in real amounts, it is a bit of work to syringe that much food but it could save his life if it isn't too late.

There is a Assisted Feeding group that can help and support you in this, you can find them here:


No cat can recover from anything if they are not getting enough food.

Not trying to be mean just stating facts.

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