So sorry to hear Cricket is crossing to the bridge. I had both Tidge and 
Bramble PTS with a sedative first. I have had good and bad experiences with 
sedatives before the pts injection but even so I would never pts without giving 
a sedative first. What I've found is that even if they have a reaction to the 
sedative they are less likely to be aware than they would be without the 

Prayers for Cricket that he will have a peaceful and quick passing. It's never 
easy but at times like this when you know in your heart they are suffering with 
no hope of improvement then I feel it is the kindest thing to do. Cricket knows 
he was loved and cared for and you gave him every chance in life. Having 
someone to drive you home afterwards is always a good thing.

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

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