Oh Hideyo, that sounds very promising!!!!  Sending all
sorts of GLOW and love and support your way!

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> Thanks, Kerry.
> Actually, Greg talked to the city attorney who will
> be representing the city animal control at the
> hearing - he says that if there's no one shows up to
> complain in my neighborhood, the case will be
> dismissed, since it was an anonymous call who
> reported me, no one will show up probably at the
> hearing  - and he says, if animals are well taken
> care of, he does not really care how many I have -
> he says, some people can only take care of 5 cats
> and overwhelmed, and other people might be able to
> care of 200 and they are very good at it still..-
> and as long as there is no complaint from the
> neighbor and animals are taken care of, he said we
> should not worry about it  - they want to move these
> cases very quickly at the hearing...so that's a
> relief -  
> As much as I would like to find a good home for
> Tsubomi, I also so badly want to keep her with me
> somehow (that's why I can never get rid of cats) -
> but I will definitely consider to see what's best
> for Tsubomi and Ginger ------and not being selfish -
> I will keep you posted -
> Thank you very much!!
> Love and hugs to you!!!
>   _____  
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
> Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 4:45 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: RE: DESPARATELY need HELP - to my dear
> kerry
> No, Hideyo, no definite timeframe, so if I know that
> we may have the safety net of you being able to take
> her back should I have to leave the US, then that
> makes a huge difference. And, as you say she will
> not be in a cage (the only way i feel ok about
> having cats confined to the one room is the
> knowledge that it's better than they would otherwise
> have had). Yes, I'm in Chicago! And I have no plans
> to go anywhere until Jan or Feb (more likely Feb).
> So I'll just wait to hear from you. (I know you'll
> want to have little Tsubomi come to her new home as
> soon as possible.I know you have a lot on your mind
> right now.  By the way a thought re the
> hearing--could Greg speak also on your behalf---esp
> as the cats use his place too, right?)
> I hope this helps a little Hideyo with all the
> worries you have right now. You do so much for cats
> it's so unfair that you have all this extra worry.
> But I think if you go well-prepared with lots of
> support from authoritative individuals, plus
> documentation, it will surely go your way. If there
> is any justice, it will.
> love & hugs, 
> till later
> Kerry
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
> Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 5:17 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: RE: DESPARATELY need HELP - to my dear
> kerry
> My Dear Kerry -
> Kerry, you are a saint - thank you so very much for
> your offer -  the space they are in right now is
> less than ΒΌ of your space that your Felv kitties are
> in - I just fell in love with Tsubomi and I am
> already deeply in love with her - when she was at
> the vet's office - everyone kept making a comment as
> how cute she is - I wish I could find a way to keep
> her with me.
> Do you haven any real time frame as to when you
> might have to go back to UK?  If you do, and IF you
> can be a mom of Tsubomi, I would do everything I can
> to take her back when you go back to UK so that you
> won't have to worry about that.  I may know someone
> who might take her, but I know that she will also be
> in a cage the rest of her life and I just can't do
> that to her, then I would rather release her back to
> where she came from if that's' the case- I did
> request IFA test today as ELISA from antech did come
> back as positive as well.   IFA will somehow tell me
> how far the virus is in her.
> You live in Chicago, right?  If I have to, I will
> fly in Chicago with her - I will definitely consider
> it if it's really ok with you, Kerry - I just hate
> the idea of not having her already-I know that you
> are going to just love her, too.   
>   _____  
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
> Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 11:02 AM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: RE: DESPARATELY need HELP - pls read!
> Dear Hideyo
> If we can figure out transportation then I will
> gladly take your little Trubomi if you can't find a
> good real home for her. (I don't consider mine a
> "real" home for FelV kits because my two----both are
> also feral---are confined to my second bedroom-10 x
> 11 feet--and I feel like a jailer.)
> I also need to say in advance that if I have to move
> to UK (a real possibility with a cat's lifetime)
> then I would have to find another home for her if
> she remains positive as I would not be allowed
> legally to take her in. (I would be taking all my
> neg cats to UK). Plus, I need to get my quarantined
> cats re-tested before introducing a new FeLV cat.
> This would spur me to do it--I've been putting it
> off because of the stress for them, being feral.
> That said, let me know what you think when you have
> time to think about it!
> love and hugs, Kerry
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
> Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 11:23 AM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: DESPARATELY need HELP - pls read!
> Hi, everyone, I am desperately needing a help! I
> rescued kitty who is an adult female and she is the
> most affectionate cat I have ever seen!  She looks
> very very healthy - I took her to the vet for a
> blood work just to make sure that she does not have
> any virus - and it turned out to be she is Felv
> positive - I am waiting for confirmation test from
> Antech this morning - and I am trying to find her a
> good home - I thought of keeping Ginger and Tsubomi
> (new kitty's name - meaning a small blossom)
> together, but in order for me to keep them together,
> I need to extend the space, as right now, where
> Ginger is way too small for two kitties (a big
> bathroom) 
=== message truncated ===

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living 
his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
               - Anonymous

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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