I started with one, and after a few years brought in another positive.  It made no difference to anyone's status.

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Gloria--- you mix yours--- but you say they're "indoors", meaning
they don't come into contact with unknown cats who may have Felv. Ok, so
next Q, and this time it's pertinent to my own dilemma:

Is your thinking that your healthy cats have successfully stayed neg
while living alongside your positives. BUT if you introduce a new FeLV
(or if they came into contact ouside with a positive) that might
change--they might contract FeLV that's a different strain??

I ask because I have one negative living with my one positive, away from
the other negs.
I worry about fostering another FeLV in case the neg *becomes* positive
thru the new cat.
(I'm also harboring a tiny hope that either the pos cat may have become
neg in recent months OR his July 2004 test may have been wrong---he has
always seemed so healthy while with me...(he was in the hospital before
he came to me but was reported not to be positive then.)

All responses/opinions welcome!

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