Aww Gloria, I'm so sorry about Lancelot. It alternately makes me sad and angry when I think about the ignorance and cruelty that humans inflict on these sweet angels. It is possible that his humans are heartsick over his loss, he may have had a loving home and became lost, we'll never know. However it happened, thank Heavens Lance was able to find his way to you for the love and comfort he so much deserved. It never gets easier when we lose our fight, but it's the painful price we pay to make a difference in their lives. Love, hugs and comfort to you for continuing to make a difference, one sweet soul at a time.


BTW, My sweet little Lancelot (not FELV) died early Thursday morning. I got him in january, a lady called to say that he'd been outside her new house for a couple of very cold months, Dec and Jan. He had the sniffles bad. I've been pulling for him, taking him to the vet, doing lysine and interferon and Zeniquin and other abx and stuff.

He just never thrived. It seemed that his kidneys weren't doing well - his pee wasn't concentrated. Suggested problems were pneumonia, or bordatella. He was a little over a year old, a white kitty with black tail and ears, a sweet as could be. Somebody had him neutered young, and declawed, then either lost or dumped him, poor boy. I wanted him to live to be 18, but was not to be.

Sleep soft sweet Lancelot. Susan brought her little kitten Carla over ( who died recently) to go in the box with Lancelot and we'll bury them together.


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