Jenn, and others, appreciate all comments we are
suffering thru bereavement,

Thanks for asking more about our sweet Frodo; we are
sure he was born with the virus.

The haunting question is, and still looking for
answers experiences and opinions :

If a kitten is born with the virus, are they more
likely to succumb at an early age ? Thanks Jenn for
that observation that they often don't live past 3.

We want to know the stats or general percentage of
kittens treated with immuno regulin or whatever, to
turn negative and not be contagious (or is that a
separate question). We wish we had tested and treated,
but we did not. He was a healthy, thriving cat til he
suddenly became ill.

He contracted a major bacterial infection from eating
raw chicken neck, and coincidentally raw venison liver
the same day.
He had been totally happy and normal prior no
infection or problem. Only symptom looking back was he
was not as agile or fast, but we thought he was just
not a kitten anymore.

Because the vet acted like something else might be
going on and seemed to want tons of tests and in
hospital expense, it seemed bogus money grab; then,
someone on a yahoo list not this one, said a culture
and sensitivity was needed, but it was useless if the
cat already started antibiotics. NOT true, and I
believed the person and he didn't get the right
antibiotic for several weeks. Meanwhile he wasn't
eating. All along, we just thought it was an infection
that he would overcome. GREAT regret.

When he died, he also had toxoplasmosis, and we had an
autopsy, he had hi grade lymphoblastic sarcoma in many
places with lesions indicating it had been around
The suggestion to us was he had the cancer before the
campylobacter and stopped eating (he never ate on his
own for his last 8 weeks) because of that.

Other question PLEASE any opinion - is that type of
scenario likely or was vet trying to make me feel
better ? If we had treated the bacterial infection, I
wonder if the cancer could have been tackled with
chemo. Not that we had money, a ton of hospital
expense went on credit cards, but it was in the end
for nothing and subjected him to many antibiotics.

Please help, but I want to know the truth and actual
stats if anyone is aware.



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