Hi Lynne, I'm so sorry for your sad loss. In reply to your first question, that's what I've been told - if they were born with the virus, they have less of a chance. My two who were born with the virus lived to 2.5-3 yrs of age. I wasn't giving them interferon. I have 5 FELV cats now, and two that I'm pretty sure were born with the virus. Been giving them low dose oral interferon daily since they were kittens. They're about 2 yrs now, so we'll see.


On Nov 23, 2005, at 9:38 AM, Lynne Moquin wrote:

Jenn, and others, appreciate all comments we are
suffering thru bereavement,

Thanks for asking more about our sweet Frodo; we are
sure he was born with the virus.

The haunting question is, and still looking for
answers experiences and opinions :

If a kitten is born with the virus, are they more
likely to succumb at an early age ? Thanks Jenn for
that observation that they often don't live past 3


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