Even if Patti misunderstood Sandy, I understand what
Patti meant about the common misconception that an
illness in an FeLV cat is usually attributed by many
vets to the FeLV.  I think it is important to point
this out to new members.  Cricket had an infection
that he got from his toenails being ripped out while
trying to escape a dog, but at the time, we didn't
know his feet were injured, only that his fever was
skyrocketing, he wouldn't eat or drink, and that he
tested positive for FeLV.  If I would have left his
treatment up to the vet, he would have only lived 2
and a half years versus four and a half.  

All the info. here is good info. for the most part,
and what isn't we discuss rationally.  We are all so
blessed to be in contact with one another.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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