> a wand thing with a slot at the end to hold the pill >

That's the "pill popper", (they're also called "pill guns"), I was talking about, I wouldn't want to pill without one.  You place it toward the back of the throat, hit the plunger and down it goes.  You don't have to hit the plunger hard, they really do send the pill flying and you don't need that much force.  Like I said, sooo much easier!  I usually coat the gel cap, or pill in olive, or coconut oil to make it easier to swallow, I've used a tiny bit of chicken fat as well.

I got mine online from Revival.  I use the one with the rubber tip.


Dudes wrote:
One other tip that might work today, Rebecca.  You might try crushing the
pill into powder, and then put it in a little bit of water or tuna water,
and by little bit, I mean like a cc.  A medicine cup usually works best for
mixing such a small amount.  Then draw it all up in a syringe and have it
ready.  While holding Brooklyn in a towel, open the side of his mouth where
his back teeth don't quite meet.
Put the syringe in that little spot, and tilt his head back and squirt.  He
will struggle, but hold firmly.  Even if he gags a little, you will get some
down.  If he bites down, he can only bite the syringe.  That way you don't
have to get liquid and have pills you will never ever use again, and have
wasted money.  I bet the liquid won't taste any better than the pill,
anyway.  You can get a syringe from the pharmacy.
I watched my vet give a pill to my cat once, with a wand thing with a slot
at the end to hold the pill.  It was over in a half a second!  I don't even
think the cat realized it had taken a pill!  Anybody use those before?
Let us know what happens.  He will be mad, but not for long.
----- Original Message -----
From: "veggiepugs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 10:53 AM
Subject: Pills

Not sure if it's spelled with an I or a Y i forgot to look before I wrote
back...lol. Anyhow, yes I definitely need them in
liquid form, this is IMPOSSIBLE. Pills are flying everywhere when he
shakes his head and im getting bitten and
scratched by a sweet cat! He took the liquid form of the clavimox that I
gave him when he first got here so I know I
can do that. THANK YOU. I'm calling the vet monday!



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