Actually, they have made it illegal in West Hollywood, CA!  Hooray!  Here are some other measures people have taken to educate/ban the practice in CA.  Slowly, slowly, slowly things are changing.  Declawing for non-medical or cosmetic reasons (not for the benefit of the cat) is illegal or considered inhumane in many countries in Europe, as well as New Zealand, Australia, and Brazil.  I got this from

  • September 23, 2003: The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco, CA passed a resolution "strongly urging" cat owners and veterinarians to discontinue the practice of declawing native and exotic cat species. This was somewhat short of the original move to ban declawing, spearheaded by Commissioner Susan Wheeler.
  • May 27, 2003: May 27—The City Council of Malibu, CA votes to approve a resolution condemning the practice of declawing. The Council also voted for local veterinarians to require pet owners requesting declawing to view an informational video and sign a consent prior to the procedure. The measure was the result of efforts by Councilmember Joan House and The Paw Project.
  • April 29, 2003: California AB395, introduced by Assemblyman Paul Koretz and sponsored by The Paw Project, does not get the votes needed to pass committee. The bill is tabled until the 2004 session.
  • April 7, 2003: The City Council of West Hollywood, CA enacted an ordinance banning the declawing of cats; the first law of its kind in the United States
  • February 14, 2003: California Assemblyman Paul Koretz (D-42nd District) introduces Assembly Bill (AB) 395 to prohibit declawing of cats. AB 395 will ban the inhumane surgical procedure, and if enacted, it may be the nation's first state law to prohibit declawing.

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:
Now, I stand corrected Patti!!
I totally agree: declawing should be illegal. (I'd never heard of such a thing until I came to the US.)
Any cat that finds a home with you, Patti, is one very fortunate cat. Would that it were the norm, instead of the exception.
hugs, Kerry

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