Also - have you tried adding a pinch of bone meal to their food?  It's a band-aid sort of remedy, but it could help firm up their stools and give them the bonus of slowing the elimination process, thereby helping them to retain nutrients long enough to do them some good. 

Nina wrote:
Hi Patti,
I just found this email, sorry it's taken so long for me to respond. 
As far as you and that sign on your back...  Yep, it's there, most humans aren't aware of it, but our furry friends sure do know a kind and open heart when they come across one.  I'm convinced there's some sort of pipeline, they tell their friends where to go!  Go ahead and complain/whine, we all understand.  Bless you for all you do.

About Taylor and Moonshadow's stools...  One thing I've found that helps with diarrhea is making sure you're feeding a consistent diet.  I had switched Gypsy to raw and it saved her life.  She had a relapse after getting into Grace's food and then refused raw.  After I finally got her eating again, I put her on cooked turkey and it did help her.  IBD symptoms are so frustrating, I have tried so many things.  You already know about homeopathics, I've seen you post about Bioplasma, that's always a good support rx.  Hideyo has had success with Sulphur, Gypsy responded to Phosphorus, you've tried Ars album, how about China, (Cinchona officinalis)?  I'd start with 6c doses and use a dosing method of one pellet dissolved in 2 to 4 oz amber bottles, 1/2 dropper at a time every hour up to 4 doses, (then evaluate to see if their "mentals"/symptoms seem improved).  There are so many variables, why don't you contact my friend Darla, (homeopathic practitioner), she'll be able to advise you a whole lot better than me.  I would avoid the pred/met route if at all possible.  Sometimes these measures are necessary, but they aren't supportive of the body's "vital force".  I'd also stay away from the prescription diets, we all know what junk they usually are.  Whatever you do, I'd keep up the probiotics, they can only help.  Did you know that you can add the homeopathics to goat's milk, or yogurt?  This is the only way I can get my once feral Gypsy dosed.  I was really concerned about feeding her dairy, but she seems to have adjusted to it, and I'm pleased she's getting another source of calcium.  There was a point that warmed goat's milk was all she'd eat.  My AC said she liked the way it felt "going in and down".  Those poor little sprites of yours are in my thoughts and prayers, they sure have been through a lot.  Thank goodness they found their way to you!
Much love to you my dear, hang in there!

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