You most certainly may give him injections at home. Your vet probably figures you're like most "pet owners" who don't want to deal with it. He don't know you too well, do he? Get them, or someone that comes to your house, to show you how to give the injections. I never board my animals for vet care, if I can possibly help it, they get much better and more observant care at home with me and it's not stressful for them. Of course, if you're not able to be home, and he's in critical condition, that's another matter.

I wasn't suggesting that Brooklyn doesn't like to be handled, I got that he's a love muffin from your other posts about him. I was talking about getting him used to being restrained in a compromising position :) .

Prayers that Brooklyn feels better very soon,

veggiepugs wrote:

Thank you to everyone for your advice. You're all so awesome and wonderful. Nina thanks so much for the encouragement and support. I feel better today, but am still upset that I can't treat him and that he's feeling so awful. It breaks my heart.
I called the vet today to ask about other alternatives and someone there said 
they're not available in liquid form, which Patti, you told me they were and I 
believe you over them! So, I wrote a letter to the vet and faxed him asking 
about alternatives including liquid form, injectable and transdermal. Well, 
another vet called me back who I've seen with my dogs and said that if he is 
still vomiting, to bring him in and that he may have to be hospitalized so they 
can give him injectable meds. Why can't I do this? I think Brooklyn has been 
through enough already!

Nina thanks for the pointers on calming him about being handled. He wasn't afraid of being handled, in fact he's very good about being touched, petted, cuddled, held etc. But not after being tortured by me!!!! He just looks miserable curled up on the bed...he looks as though he feels so ill. And I'm sure he does.
Well I made an appt to see the vet at 530 because I need to get him going on 
meds. Wish me luck and please give me any advice or pointers you think I might 
need before giong to the vet. ANy questions I should ask? Things I should be 
wary of?

Thank you everyone!!!

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