i got to the vet hospital and they said "your appt is for thursday!" i said no, 
this is important to do now, so i have to 
see someone now, i said "my cat is sick and needs medication that I can't give 
him so I have to see someone about it 
he cant go on like this he feels terrible". The girl was SO nice and i saw the 
head honcho vet who is always impossible 
to get an appt with. He showed me how to adminster meds and i said you make it 
look so easy (he did this with 
liquid form) and the vet tech then showed me a way and told me instead of a 
towel, to sit on the bed with the 
comforter aroudn him. She said i could also put him in his carrier and this way 
he has no where to go but that looked 
a little harder. They showed me how to hold his head and said not to be afraid 
to hold the scruff. I think I'm too 
easy, I need to be more assertive and let him know he has to do this...ITS FOR 
HIS OWN GOOD! Lol now i really 
sound like a mom! Well, I wanted to be sure I could do it, so I tried holding 
him the way she showed me an he was 
pretty good. They did agree though that he's a tough one. They were able to get 
in the meds, but he spit some out! 
So it was as if he were like "FINE! you got me but im just gonna spit it out! 
THERE!" lol. Well, they gave me a 1cc 
syringe but they had used the fatter one, and i said hey this looks like a lot 
more, i know it's not but i have to put a 
whole syringe in while the other one looks like less and goes faster (no way i 
was gonna push that skinny plunger alll 
the way down) so i said gimme the fat one. it will go quicker. So they gave me 
both. LOL. 

Patti, the dr told me that both met. and famitidone or however you spell it 
both only come in IV...though he looked 
kind of unsure of that...i think he didnt think i could inject. I said listen, 
i want to do whatever i have to do to treat 
him at home. I do not want him in the hospital. If i have to inject him, I will 
do it, and you can show me how. Well 
he gave me that story and said he would flavor it with some fish taste (YUCK!) 
and make it liquid. So, no more pills! 
they did give him a pill no problem though...looked so easy! It's the front 
legs. Someone needs to hold his front legs! 
so I'm going to try the comforter and quick syringe tomorrow. Wish me luck. At 
least they gave him a nice dose at the 
vets for today. He ate dinner. Yay! The vet said...that he is eating is a 
goooood sign. Yay! So day by day....day by 

Hugs...i love everyone here already...and if you didn't guess it already...im a 
huge mushy sentimental person so 
beware of the occasional emotional outbursts. LOL!

Brooklyn says "THANKS A LOT EVERYONE" lol but really he means thank you. lol


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