When I read your post again, I misunderstood you. I thought you had three pos that died. Let me see if I have this straight, you had 3 cats, one of which was positive. They all lived together for how long? One month? What was that about being in very close contact since they were 14.5 weeks? I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused.

Nina wrote:

At 2.5 yrs and after living with the positives for such a long time, my bet is that another test will turn up negative as well. I'm not sure what the exact gestation period is for felv, I'm not sure anyone knows, please members, if you know... Anyway, it wouldn't hurt to have them retested for peace of mind. I'd wait at least three months, unless you intend to add to the household and want to make sure these guys did not become infected.

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Many of us have gone through the heartache of losing one after another to this terrible disease. My sympathies to you and yours,

Lynne Moquin wrote:

Advice appreciated for when or if we need to test our
two cats again :
Our third cat died of FeLV cancer on Nov.2nd.
The three cats all had fairly close associated during
the last month as in, being in same room and some
physical contact. The other two cats had blood drawn on Nov.5 and both
Elisa and IFA were negative.
Should we test them again and if so when ?
One vet said to be "absolutely sure test again" but he
was convinced himself they are okay.
Another vet was all for vaccines no matter what.

These two are 2 1/2. they had one single vacc. at age
12 weeks and as of age 14 1/2 weeks were in VERY close
contact - grooming, sleeping, eating - up to late
Sept. early Oct.

Thanks so much

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