Hi -- I'm new to the group and hope I'm not breaking any rules.  This is my first experience with an FeLV+ cat who is also FIV+.  There is this beautiful orange and white Garfield Maine Coone that needs a home. Rescued off the streets of Long Island just before the cold snap, I initially had a home all lined up for this sweet boy but have found him to be FeLV and FIV+.  The home is no longer an option. I received a call from someone that has FeLV+ cats but is reluctant to mix Buddy Boy into the equation because of his FIV+ status. I'm running a Western Blot to be sure but what would be the downside of mixing him into her bunch? I guess I always worried about mixing FeLV into FIV positive homes ... does anyone have any information? Does anyone know of a FeLV / FIV positive home that has room for one more? This boy is getting so depressed in a cage. He's at the vet's office and he must be out by x-mas.  Not sure where to look for potential foster, etc.  Thanks for any advice.  PAT

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