OK - as I understand the message, she's in Minnesota, right? MC (Tenhousecats) is in Michigan, has volunteered with a large rescue there, and hopefully might have a suggestion -


At 07:41 PM 12/14/2005, you wrote:
I can't follow exactly what is going on with the testing and if it's fiv or felv. I thought I'd pass this on in case anyone knows of any rescues near this woman that might be able to help her? It came on a georgia cat rescue group list that I'm on. I will see if I can get more info.



Hi,  I need your help finding FIV+ rescues for several cats that are
in MN.  I received an email from an elderly lady who is operating on
no funds, no donations,and no help, 60 years old and on disability of
$600.00 a month to live on and support 97 cats and kittens.  She took
28 cats off a farm that were going to be shot.  13 were pg and they
had 77 kittens.
28 died right away and she tested for feline with the Wetness test and
36 cats and kittens passed with a - but are positive because she had
to retest every body, because one came up positive.  It cost her
$2000.00 to retest and give the - ones feline shots.  36 are now
dieing of feline luk.
She can not adopt any one out until she retests in 3mo. This has
killed her financially as well as mentally, watching 36 cats and
kittens die so sick.

She also stated, " Hard times is loosing 40 pounds in 3 mo when you
only weigh 134 any way. Hard times is saving your perscription drugs
to give to the cats, in smaller doses instead of taking them your
self. Hard times is going to the food shelf so you can store up rice
and macaroni so you can make large tasteless hot dishes to save on
buying hard cat food, so you can feed yourself at the same time you
feed them.
At the end of her email she states, "I do this on my own as no one
cares about cats up here (MN) and they just shoot them.  I hope you
are doing better then me as I am living on the Grace of God only."
She has been doing this for 13 years.

This lady needs saving just as much as the cats do.......if you know
of a rescue that can help her out, please email me at

Thank you,


When it comes to saving the life of an animal, trust no one other than yourself!! DO NOT THINK SOMEONE ELSE WILL DO IT!

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