Hideyo, the worst part is over - the waiting.  And you know you have your partner and all of us backing you 1000%!!!!!!  And the fact that you have legally established that you are NOT a hoarder is a very good thing!
we love you!!!!!!!!

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank you so very much for all your support, especially, Michelle – I am so grateful for everything you have done for me.
I had a hearing this morning, to make it short, I lost.  I cried for about 5 mins but now I am back in business.  I am going to appeal to District court.
Michelle, what came down was that, as we expected, the hearing officer does not have authority to declare that the law is unconstitutional so he had to deny my appeal.  But I did establish that I’m not a hoarder, they agreed that I take such a good care of animals – the only issue is the sq. ft calculation of the law, which has no rational base.  The city attorney was really harsh on me, I guess all the people who I thought talked to him off records, they did not.. so based on the report, he made an assumption that I was a hoarder and he came down really hard on me.. here I am.. I am trying to defend my case as a lawyer who has no idea what I am doing.. but during the break, Greg talked to him, and he calm down.. again they acknowledge the fact that there is no nuisance and all the animals are very well cared for, which was a big deal.. the only thing I have to fight against is about the law being unconstitutional… After the hearing was over, the hearing officer told me that, I made a good argument,, appeal to District court… you can do it!..   So the meantime, Greg thought the city attorney is probably willing to make a deal with me as it’s going to be expensive to go to District court.. or Supreme Court for the matter as I am going to go all the way if I have to protect my cats!  If the law is find unconstitutional, the city will risk the entire pet limit being knocked down, so Greg feels that they might not want to do that. Anyway,, I wanted to give you the update.
I have a criminal hearing coming up on 1/12 – Greg thought that I should make a same argument and if some reason, the law is found unconstitutional at the metro level, it will be easier to win at District level.. We will see.  Though I did not know what I was doing.. I am proud of myself of my accomplishment – if I ended up going to district or supreme level and ended up striking out the pet limit law,, I guess that’s what’s meant to be.. I will not give up.. not just yet… everyone, please keep praying for me and my babies.
I am also thinking of seeing Mayor to see if there’s any thing he can do --

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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