Thanks for the update Jen. Prayers and good energy for Ewok to continue doing so well! I'm praying that the steroids and your love shrink that tumor and he becomes an even bigger xmas miracle boy.
Much love,


Hi All!

Hope everybody's holiday was a good one! Santa apparently heard my wish...Ewok did so well while we were at my Mom's house! I don't know what I would have done without that dex shot...I can't remember when I posted last, but I gave him the extra cytoxen I had last weekend along with the dex shot...I couldn't believe how quickly it kicked in! He went from vomiting to scarfing down food (and keeping it down) and near full play mode within 45 minutes! He remained this way all week and now we are back home in Houston. We had an oncologist's appointment this morning...there is still something going on in his belly, so the doctor has switched to a drug called Ceenu (Michelle, I'm guessing that this is the same as CCNU?). Hopefully, the tumor in his belly will respond...

I absolutely loved having my sweet boy home with me for X-mas...his curiosity knows no bounds! :) Although a few moments were bittersweet, ironically, when he was at his best and being super- I smiled I couldn't help but think how badly I will miss this little boy when he's gone...I try to keep those thoughts short and remind myself how special all of the good moments are!

Thanks, everyone, for all of your thoughts and prayers! I'll try to keep ya'll updated as we go along!

Jen & Ewok

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