Hello Dawn,
Your sweet Charlie is adorable.  His picture makes me want to stick my face in his fur and snuggle him! 

I can only imagine what you are going through.  I'm sure you're devastated by his diagnosis.  It's so hard, so many of us have been where you are.  I don't have experience with lymphoma, so I can't help with specifics of treatment.  Michelle Lerner has unfortunately dealt with cancer with many of her animals and has helped give support and great advice with what you two are facing.  Why don't you do a search on the archives to benefit from the group's help while you wait for the group to respond to you and Charlie?  I know there is a lymphoma group out there, (it's been mentioned on our list), that may be able to help also.  I'm sending you, Charlie, and the rest of your family prayers and healing energy to help give you strength through this very difficult time.  We do understand.  Like you, my fur-companions are my babies, my friends and my soul mates.  Give Charlie a kiss and head butt from me, be brave, love him and cherish him, (as I'm sure you do all your babies).  Do your best to shake off any premature grieving and BE with him, right now, happy in the moment.  After all, the loving moment of right now, is what truly matters.  Never forget, miracles do happen, where there is life, there is hope.
Much love to you,

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