Dear Wendy 
I am sorry you are having to go through this pain, and so soon after
losing your darling Cricket. Try to remind yourself Stretch knows that
he is loved by you, that you have nothing but his welfare and best
interests at heart, and that you will do whatever is within your means
and power to help him and minimize his suffering. That's what I've
always forced myself to remember when I've been in a similar situation
(which sadly most of us on the list have been). 
>>How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you
just don't have the money?<<<
We can only do what we can do, and it's a sad fact of life that the cost
of the treatment is often what determines the next step. Over the last
couple of years I've racked up my credit cards, used one of those credit
card checks you get in the mail, and then last summer Flavia's
treatment, and the subsequent euthanization and individual cremation
costs for Flavia and Snowball, forced me to take a chunk of money from
my paltry "retirement" fund. I can still hear the unspoken thoughts of
the broker when I explained it was for vet fees...this woman is a total
nut/loser. I told only one friend, and he was clearly shocked -- told me
not to do "anything stupid". I know I can't do it again, anyway, tho,
because I won't be in a position to help any cat if I wind up destitute
in my old age (which is not that far away!).
Only you guys understand. 
And we surely understand the anguish you feel, Wendy, in not having a
limitless budget for treatment. I would think most us are in much the
same boat; and beating ourselves up because of it. That's what's so
wonderful about this group--we realize we're not alone; everyone faces
the same problems and heartache at one time or another. And everyone
does whatever they can to help one another cope and do the best for
their furbabies.
Sending zillions of positive, healing vibes, Wendy, for sweet Stretch's
love and hugs to you both

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for the info.  I am going to give another
day or two to see how things go before taking Stretch
back to the doc.  Frankly, we are tapped out on money.
 We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,
and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to save
Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bit
broke.  I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
dollars on it.  I will do all I can for Stretch, but
if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out.  We
just can't afford the treatments.  I feel so
frustrated right now.  I don't want Stretch to go
through this.  I don't want my nephew to go through
losing his cat; he's been through so much as it is. 
And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self after
losing Cricket.  I feel it's too soon after Cricket; I
don't think I can go through this again.  I am praying
for a miracle right now.  If Stretch can just pull
through this, and give us a little time, we will be
better able to afford treatments in six months.  I
hope that some of you understand being in this place. 
How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you
just don't have the money?


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