    You might want to stop the pred and give dex/depo shots instead. The depo is instead of pred, and is stronger and longer lasting.  The fact that Ewok went two weeks or so without needing another depo shot says to me that he is not near the end yet. I would strongly suggest, if he is still not well tomorrow, taking him to the local vet and getting another dex/depo shot (or if all you got before was a dex shot, to ask for a combo dex/depo shot).  Two weeks is not too soon for that when they have cancer.  If you do these shots instead of pred, he will eventually need them every few days in order to keep feeling good, and that means it is getting closer to the end. But two weeks is not that short a time to need another one, in terms of lymphoma. So I would do it.
Here's hoping Ewok feels better soon,

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