Hi Bonnie,
I also got my epogen and made an appointment with my vet to discuss it to make sure I knew exactly how to do it. I also waited and gave it with enought time to run him to the vet if there was any kind of reaction. Antibodies wouldn't form that quickly but there is a rare chance of an allergic reaction or over production of red cells, can't remember the name my vet said, but both are rare. But like you I wanted to be cautious. Bailey was fine. I fed him at 4:00PM and gave him a hour to calm down then gave him his epo at 5PM. He did the same thing he does all day go lay down and sleep. I watched his breathing for about an hour and pestered him to make sure he looked OK, and all is well. He will get another dose Sunday and another Tuesday, then my vet wants to check his blood on Friday.

I haven't noticed any change, he stills sleeps ALL day, won't eat a bite and looks at me with that why are you doing this to me look. I'm wondering now if I shouldn't have stopped his fluids because I read somewhere that fluids also thin the blood out? I didn't give him fluids yesterday because he seems to be getting weaker and weaker even though he is getting fed, and he is getting plenty of fluids from the food I give him. I suppose it could be the anemia getting worse ... Time to weight him and have breakfast.

Prayers for Fu to perk up and come around, he is such a love.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

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