You know, Hideyo mentioned about how other caring people have had to relinquish/find homes for their animals when faced with animal control regulations about numbers.  I've heard of abominable stories from other rescuers too.  I remember listening in horror as one very dedicated woman told me about having to pts several cats that were sick/old that no one else would take.  I don't care what I would have had to do, that would not have happened in my house!  Hideyo is such an inspiration to all of us.  It just goes to show you what can be accomplished, when you dig your heels in and just say NO!  She may be the groundbreaking force in changing the ordinances in her town and, who knows, maybe an example for other states to follow.  I don't want to jinx anything here, I know Hideyo's trials and tribulations are far from over, but isn't it just amazing what she's done so far?  I don't know what I'd have done in her place, I'd probably be posting from some underground hidden location, if I were her.  She instead has chosen to hold her ground and fight for herself, her furchildren, and all of us that pray for the day that animals are no longer treated as "property" and are finally given the respect and rights due to the loved ones they are.  HOORAY for Hideyo!!!

Such wonderful news.....
Hard work and perseverance certainly worked.  You are blazing new trails...
Hope you are giving yourself a pat on the back.
I am so happy to hear the news!

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