I absolutely think it is safe to give him the combo shot. The depo will not actually kick in for a couple of days, and I know from experience with Simon that you can give a dex shot two days in a row (I think I gave it to him three days in a row when I thought he was dying the first time). 
Cypro can make them restless. How much did you give him? You can try giving half the dose. The good thing about giving a lot of steroids, though, is that it stimulates appetite even better than cypro, usually, so you may not need to give that at all if you give him the combo shot.
If the vet will not give him depo, I would seriously suggest upping his pred dosage. I know you can give 20 mg/day to a cat with cancer, and someone posted last night that her cat was on 40 mg/day. 
Sorry you are going through this,
In a message dated 1/10/2006 9:45:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Well, we had a few good hours last night just after he came home from
the vet's (that's when I took that picture of him).  The vet had given
him cypro and I believe this may have affected him negatively as he
became restless as the evening went on.  This morning he is up and
about, but his walk is stiff and he still seems to be a little restless,
though not as much as last night.  There was a glimmer of hope when he
went to the dry food dish and bent over to try to eat (he hasn't eaten
dry food in some time)...but he just couldn't bring himself to actually
eat (he tried a couple of times).  I'm going to syringe a little food
into him and see how he tolerates that, would it be safe to give him the
combo shot, Michelle?  I guess it's just touch-and-go, right now...I'm
looking for signs from him as to what he wants to do...


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