Belinda, just as a pep talk-- Simon's HCT went down to 13 from lymphoma and then back up to 32 with steroids and chemo.  He died two months later from anemia, but that final anemia came on suddenly and the oncologist said it was an auto-immune response to the cancer (or maybe the chemo).  But  it is possible for HCT's to come up from even lower than 15.
In a message dated 1/17/2006 4:57:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I am hoping too.  Bailey has been such an inspiration to all of us.  I have found dexamethasone to be helpful with anemia where it is caused by lymphoma-- in combo with chemo.  Kerry had luck with it with Bandy too, in combo with all that other stuff.

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