It's late, and you've probably got plenty of advice by now.  If you haven't though, my advice would be to continue feeding her small amounts every hour.  Increase the amount little by little and see if she keeps it down that way.  If she's trying to open the food herself she's got a good appetite.  That is the most important thing!!!

Lucy has not been diagnosed with ibd, but it is what I suspect (and hope, alternative being lymphoma, but the soft stool issue started almost 3 months ago, which is a long time ago for lymphoma).
Anyway, she held down a little cooked turkey for an hour this morning so I gave her more, that was 1/2 hour ago and so far so good, knock on wood. She thinks I am insane for giving her such small amounts. After meowing at me by her bowl and giving up, she went over and tried to manually open the cat food cabinet!
She lost about a pound in two days, which scares me, but at least she is hungry, knock on wood.
In a message dated 1/16/2006 10:05:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I'm sorry.  I confused the two.........  Does Lucy have ibd that you know of or just the bladder problems?
My ibd cat who threw up (the others had diarrhea) just did it every once in a while.  I never could really attribute it to anything out of the ordinary.  He had kidney disease and was on science diet for that.  This was YEARS ago when that was all there was.  It might happen once every month or go as long as 2 or 3 months that it would not happen.  When it did happen I had to give him reglan, and that would stop it.  Usually one dose would do it.  And yes, once he started he would continue to vomit at least every 30 minutes without eating in between, so I knew it wasn't from his food.
I don't know if the kidney disease played into that or not.  He died of kidney failure when he was over 10 years old.  At that time he had to take pepcid, reglan, and other things (fluids, etc...) to try to keep him from being sick.  But when he was very young (3-5) we found out he had ibd and kidney disease and one kidney that was just very small/malformed.  I almost lost him then, but once diagnosed he came back and lived another 8 years or so with just the bouts of vomiting here and there.

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