And Nina,
Is this the guy you posted about on AC?  I was given the same website about not 'interfering' with ferals because they have their own purpose.  It's interesting.  But if Starman is throwing himself at your window and crying for you I think it's because he is meant to be with YOU.
I know we ALL have to turn away cats every day.  I get the emails every day of who found what.  What cats are being euthanized that day in metro shelters, etc..... I'm no AC.  But when one 'finds me' I feel that he/she found me for a reason and they are staying.
Please at least give him a try if you possibly can.  Brutus had huge jowls too.  The vet called them 'shields'.  He said Brutus had the biggest ones he'd ever seen and he couldn't believe he would fit in the cat carrier because of his size. lol.  When he meowed it sounded like a growl more than a meow.  The jowls go down after they get neutered by the way.
Anyway, again, I don't know your situation.  And I'm ashamed to say when I first brought Brutus home I wouldn't hardly pet him because I was afraid of him and his head was so gross.  But looking back now, I can't even imagine not having had him in my life.  I would gladly give anything to have him back even though we're overcrowded here.
And I truly don't think you'd need to do any long term confinement.  I'd put him in a separate room until everyone's used to that.  Then I'd cage him where everyone else is just in case someone tries to fight.  But I don't think he will after a little time.
Big males like that have LOTS of testosterone and it takes a while to get it out of their system.  Once it's gone I don't think you'll have any problems.
If you DO keep him, watch out for the urine.  Just ask Brenda! lol.  The first time Brutus used a litterbox, and he did use it correctly.......... it smelled up the entire house!  And he was out on the screened porch.  I had to change the box every time he went until the smell got better.  The same thing happened when I fostered Lovey for Brenda.  But these big, bad, bubba cats?  It's STRONG!  Get him to drink as much as possible and flush, flush, flush it out of his system!
No pressure here. lol.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Michelle.  I'll look up the FIV lists.  It's encouraging to hear that you found someone a home that way.  I'd be willing to do whatever I had to to transport him to the right home.  I thought I'd try the feral cat group you posted about before too.  I want to get pictures of him before I start looking.  He's really a handsome fellow.  Long haired brown tabby with white on his chest and belly, and oh those jowls!  When I first met him I thought his markings made him look like he was scowling.  When he started to trust me, I realized that it wasn't his markings at all.  He actually had been scowling at me!  Now he's got the sweetest kitten _expression_ on his face when he looks at me.  He just melts my heart.

I did get your earlier email about segregating him in a portion of the house.  We're not really set up well for that here.  Since I'm always taking in fosters and/or doing TNR, I have to keep those spaces open for the ones that come passing through.  I have been thinking about it though.  It's really hard for me to imagine someone being happy with that sort of long term confinement. 


Nina, you should definitely post on the 2 yahoo FIV lists.  I found a home for Charlie, from the shelter, that way (though we had to drive him to VA from MA!)

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