Hi Wendy,
Thanks for asking about Star. I've got sleep deprivation from trying to figure out a way to bring him in at night. His lungs are still congested and his eyes, still runny. Sleeping outside in the cold cannot be good for him. He's got shelter, but he insists on sleeping on a shelf that looks into my bedroom and he's exposed to the elements. He cries and cries to come in. When I open the window, he tries to push his way past me into the bedroom. It's pitiful how much he wants to enjoy the comforts of human living. He's still hostile toward my cats, and visa versa for the most part. Two nights ago I tried to put him in a huge wire dog crate next to the bed. I had it covered, but he was so freaked out about being confined that he peed his bed twice. Nasty, nasty intact Tom, scared to death, extremely pungent urine smell permeated every thing in the room. Between crawling into the crate to try and comfort him, doing midnight laundry duty, and his fearful crying, I got absolutely no sleep. The next night he decided that he'd rather not come in and spent the night on the shelf again. I put a heating pad under a blanket and except for a pitifully crying for me to come out and join him every couple of hours, it seemed to work out okay. Last night the winds were so bad that it had him scared. Around 4am this morning I finally wrapped him in the blanket he was sleeping on and hustled him into the bathroom. More crying, more getting up to go in and comfort him. Arrgghh! I tell you I'm tired! He has an appointment to get neutered this Thursday, but I'm still concerned about his lung congestion and the anesthesia. The boy has got to get those pom poms snipped before we can proceed with acclimation! On the plus side, he's really come to trust me, (don't ask me why or how!)

wendy wrote:

Hey Nina,

How is Starman doing?  Have things gotten any better?


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