I wouldn't second guess whether Lyprinol had anything to do with her vomiting either.  It's not worth the chance.  I don't even know if it works.  There were some good anecdotal reports about it.  I did put Zevon, my GSD on it for his degenerative spine problems, but I discovered that he wasn't eating the tiny little pill I dropped in his food, so I stopped.  He's doing very well on flax seed oil and Glu/Chond/MSM.  I wouldn't give an IBD kitty flax seed oil though.  Are you adding any salmon oil to Lucy's food?  Oh, I guess you are if you're using TC.

You're not going to get any arguments from me about scraping up the energy to debate with Darla over whether Pred is effective/detrimental to Lucy.  I understand completely having only so much energy and expending it where it will do the most good.  I hope Lucy will be off it in a few days too.  Mostly because that will mean she's continuing to improve.  I'm glad she's eating her turkey again.  That is the one thing I KNOW made a difference with Gyps.  Oh, I meant to tell you...  Working with Darla we did find a homeopathic that is beneficial to Gypsy.  It isn't the "answer", there's supposedly another one "out there" that we haven't figured out yet that would, (miracle of miracles), bring Gypsy back to perfect health, but it does help to give her Phos LM1 when she develops diarrhea.  So keep your spirits up and get some rest.  I can't imagine how many times I've said it, but there are never any judgments from me about the way you care for your furkids.  You do a damn fine job and they're lucky to have you looking out for them.

Congratulations on the new position.  That's stressful too!  Remember the days when our lives weren't so hectic and stressful?  I wish I had been cognizant enough to appreciate it at the time!

Love to you my dear,

I did try Lyprinol, and that is the night that she started throwing up every meal, which she only got over through fasting.  I have no idea if it was the lyprinol or not, and kind of think it wasn't, but am not willing to find out.
I do intend to go to 2.5 mg either tomorrow or the next day. 
Lucy is actually not on any homeopathics right now.  Darla had me give her 3 days of Nux to treat her constipation and blood streaked stool, but last night was the last dose of it and now we are supposed to wait a week anyway.  I probably should tell her but she is very against it and I just do not have the energy to deal with having to justify it right now, and I do hope to keep working with her.  For instance, Darla said it is probably the after-effects of the pred on her body that caused the diarrhea.  I respect Darla a lot, but that seems silly to me since she did well on the pred and did well for the week she was on a very low dose every other day and for the week she was off it entirely, and only got diarrhea when she started refusing to eat the turkey diet and I gave her other food.  So it seems probable to me, if not obvious, that it was giving her other food that caused the relapse.  But I am so tired and just do not feel like telling her, after that comment, that I put her back on the pred temporarily, because I already question all my actions enough and do not want to feel guilty or reckless or like I am being a slave to western medicine or something.   I am just hoping Lucy will be off it in a few days and I can go back to milder treatments. I won't give her any homeopathics until she is off it again. But if I can nip this in the bud, I want to.  I also think the pred made her hungrier and willing to eat the turkey again, whereas she was holding out before even if I did not give her other food. If the pred can get her eating the turkey again, I think it is worth giving it to her for a few days just for that.  I definitely can't give her Periactin for that purpose given the side effects she got from it (and it did not make her want the turkey anyway).
In a message dated 1/25/2006 9:33:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The homeopathics don't work in the same way as the allopathic.  They take longer to show results because they work to balance the system rather than suppress symptoms.  When one of my babies is in acute distress, I reach for the medicine cabinet too.  Why don't you go down to 2.5mg daily immediately?  If it doesn't do the trick, you can always up it again.  I won't tell Darla, but maybe you should.  Every little thing seems to make a difference in what she recommends.  If she thinks that the Pred will "cloud" the results of the rxs, she might want you to not dose them while Lucy is still on it.  Have you thought about trying Lyprinol for the inflammation?  It is amazing the way the raw diet works, isn't it?  Of course, they have to eat it!

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