Hi Kerry,
I'm no vet, but I'm wondering if the temp coming back up again so soon and the runny eye are indications of his immune response being so low, (you must be so nervous for him!).  I'm glad he's going into the vet today.  When my guys get runny eyes, (Star has runny eyes and congestion too), I clean them with cotton balls and saline.  If they're gooey, I usually use terramycin too.  They usually clear up in a couple of days.  The crow I rescued had gooey eyes and the crow rehabber suggested terramycin for him too.  I'm not familiar with gentamycin, but it sounds like the same sort of med.  Is it an antibiotic ointment?  Star's runny eyes are chronic and I've been cleaning them every morning and that seems to keep them clear all day.  I'm anxious to hear about Bandy, please let us know as soon as you can.

Kerry Roach wrote:
Hi everyone,
Bandy has a horrible eye infection of some sort...On Sunday, I found it running and his temp was up again...He just had dex on Thurs. so the temp shouldn't have come up this soon...so I gave him another dex which brought the temp down, but his eye was nearly stuck shut...I cleaned it then put some gentamycin in it..it isn't running now, but is all cloudy...Have any of you experienced this?  I am going to call his vet and take him in on Monday asap...the light seems to hurt it...I have another eye med that has a steroid in it, but I am not sure if I should switch at this point or even put anymore of the other in there until he sees the doctor..
Please let me know if you have any other suggestions..and if I should supplement him with something else now...
Thanks so much,
Kerry and Bandy

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