I think hyperthyroidism is very common in older cats.  They go on tapazole
just like humans and biggest problem is the once or twice a day pill!  Had
one cat who lived to early twenties after years of tapazole...There were no
restrictions on diet or anything.  She had lost some weight and was doing
the midnight howling thing went I brought her in and she snapped right back
after starting tapazole.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 3:48 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Hypertension and Julie, our geriatric kitty

Hi guys,

I took Julie to the vet this past Friday because she
was having pain going to the bathroom the Sunday
before and had a little blood around her genitals.  I
couldn't get her to the vet until Friday so I gave her
Baytril I had left over from Cricket starting on
Sunday, which wiped out whatever bacterial infection
she might have had, and all her renal functions seemed
to be back to normal by Friday.  But I took her in
anyway just to be sure, and they ran a urinalysis and
total blood/labwork on her.  Saturday the vet called
me and said her results showed hypertension (she got a
17 on her T4 results, normal is between .4 and 5.2)
and he prescribed 10 mg of Tapazole/Methimazole daily.
 I have to bring her in in two weeks for further blood
work to see how the drugs are helping her thyroid. 
Does anyone here have any experience with
hyperthyroidism in their kitty, and what did you do
about it?  What does T4 measure?  Did your kitty pass
away from the hyperthyroidism?  Did the drugs reverse
the heart murmur?  What diet would be good for a kitty
with hyperthyroidism?  Any advice is greatly


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