Hi Marylyn,

Julie is 16.5 years old.  She's a Maine Coon kitty. 
So sweet, until she has to take a pill.  lol.  I guess
we'll both become used to it after time.  Thanks for
the info.  I added it to the manual and will keep
compounding in mind.  I tasted one of the pills and it
was completely tasteless, so you might want to look
into getting the kind that is tasteless.  I saw it on
the websites of either 1-800-petmeds, drs. foster &
smith, or entirely pets.  It was one of the last two I

Thanks for the info.!

--- Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kitty has hyperthyroidism .  Know that the medicines
> can be compounded and 
> rubbed in the ear if the pills become too difficult
> (they are with her). 
> Personally I prefer the pills because you know
> exactly what the cat is 
> getting (except with Kitty who spits them out when I
> am not looking).  The 
> pills are very bitter so coating them with something
> may be helpful.  Keep 
> up on the bloodwork.  The amount she needs can
> change.  Once everything is 
> stabilized you may want to consider radiation
> treatment for the thyroid.  I 
> would with Kitty but it would be too traumatic for
> her and, in her current 
> position, I don't want to stress her any more than I
> have to.  Pull up some 
> articles on this condition but do not be scared. 
> How old is your cat?
>                                                  If
> you have men who will 
> exclude any of God's creatures
> from the shelter of 
> compassion and pity, you will have men who
> will deal likewise with 
> their fellow man.
>              St. 
> Francis
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 2:47 PM
> Subject: Hypertension and Julie, our geriatric kitty
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I took Julie to the vet this past Friday because
> she
> > was having pain going to the bathroom the Sunday
> > before and had a little blood around her genitals.
>  I
> > couldn't get her to the vet until Friday so I gave
> her
> > Baytril I had left over from Cricket starting on
> > Sunday, which wiped out whatever bacterial
> infection
> > she might have had, and all her renal functions
> seemed
> > to be back to normal by Friday.  But I took her in
> > anyway just to be sure, and they ran a urinalysis
> and
> > total blood/labwork on her.  Saturday the vet
> called
> > me and said her results showed hypertension (she
> got a
> > 17 on her T4 results, normal is between .4 and
> 5.2)
> > and he prescribed 10 mg of Tapazole/Methimazole
> daily.
> > I have to bring her in in two weeks for further
> blood
> > work to see how the drugs are helping her thyroid.
> > Does anyone here have any experience with
> > hyperthyroidism in their kitty, and what did you
> do
> > about it?  What does T4 measure?  Did your kitty
> pass
> > away from the hyperthyroidism?  Did the drugs
> reverse
> > the heart murmur?  What diet would be good for a
> kitty
> > with hyperthyroidism?  Any advice is greatly
> > appreciated!
> >
> > :)
> > Wendy
> >
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