I know it must be scary, but at 14 it might just be some of those aches and pains that we all feel…  I would think that the fact he is eating and drinking well is a positive sign.  Might be thyroid (since we’ve been talking about that!)


As for how he got FELV—well, my Tucson tested neg at about 6-8 weeks and 5 years later tested pos.  Never been outside since I got her; never lived with FELV cat; my other 3 (including 2 who came after her as kittens) all test neg.  The two vets I went to both told me she likely had it since birth (she was born to a stray outside).  Periodically, she looks a little peaked but still manages to stay around 18 lbs—trying to get her to lose some weight but its tough!  All but eliminated dry foood but when all you do is eat and sleep…..


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry Roach
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 12:11 AM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Bandy's other buddy - Buster Felv+


Hi everyone,

Bandy's other buddy--- Buster was diag. with Felv last summer when I had them all checked...I have had him since birth and he will be 14 on March 30.

He hasn't shown any symptoms at all.  This last week he seems to be having some problems with his back legs...and just not acting up to par...So I am taking him for blood work on Thurs...I am worried that it could be lymphoma, kidneys or anemia...

He has lost a little weight lately, too...He still eats good and drinks good...No other signs except I am concerned because he doesn't have the bright pink nose or gums that he should...I also have him on the supplements along with Bandy...I don't know how he got the Felv because he was vaccinated yrs ago before Bandy came to us..He also has always lived in the house since about the age of 2..

Anyway, just wanted you to know..and we will let you know how things turn out on Thurs...Keep Buster in your prayers that his blood work is good..

Head butts to all,

Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal

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