Title: AOL Email

Thank you, Karen very much – I am praying that Ms.Clyde will only get better!  Please keep me posted with her progress.


Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 4:40 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Sending healing energy for Hannibal -- For Hideyo




I am sending healing thoughts and prayers for Hannibal. I am in agreement with you if Hannibal isn't giving up, then you aren't either. I feel the same way about my Ms. Clyde, she is a fighter and holding her own. So all I can do is keep trying and maybe something will make the difference in her clinical diagnosis.


She is back from her Oncology chemo re-check and her blood test results were unbelievable. They did an in-house CBC, where her HCT registered as a 10.9 and so they did a PCV test and her PCV test said is up to a 26!!! They are sending blood work out to double check these results, but her Oncologist is very optimistic and encouraged. She started her 2nd round of Chemo today. So although I am relieved at the PCV test results I am waiting to see what the blood work sent out says. Her diagnosis of Erythroleukemia and treatment for it is uncharted territory with no set protocol/treatment to follow, so we just have to wait and see if the Chemo plan works.


Hugs and Head-Bumps

Karen in California and her Beautiful Maine Coon Cat Ms. Clyde



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