I'm writing about yet another cat in Rochester, NY
that has been diagnosed with leukemia.  The woman
contacted me a few months ago to see if I could find a
home but there was no reason she shouldn't keep the
cat.  I explained to her that this is not a death
sentence and that she shouldn't get rid of the cat
just because of the leukemia.  I told her why the cat
needed to stay inside and what sort of care the cat

When she wrote me yesterday, she informed me that the
cat has been living outdoors because they don't want
to clean litter boxes and that they don't touch the
cat because of the leukemia.  On top of that, she is
pregnant now and wants to euthanize the cat because
she has read babies should not be around leuk positive
cats.  I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have a household of
them and have done extensive research.  My
understanding is that the leukemia is not the problem.
 It is just that they are susceptible to lots of
illness so they are higher risk than healthy cats.  My
husband and I have discussed it and I haven't changed
anything about the way I interact with my leuk
positives.  I can't, however, take in any more as I
have been out of work and confined to bed for 7 weeks.
 On top of that, my husband is having to do all the
cat litter pans and take care of all the reptiles. 
There is no way I can introduce another cat at this
point but I feel awful for this cat.  

This is what I know about the cat from her.  His name
is Shadow.  He's about 1 1/2 years old.  He's grey,
has his current rabies shot, and received flea
treatment within the last few weeks.  He enjoys
sitting by the fire and playing.  He is quite active
and has a very social personality.  He is fine with
dogs, not sure how he is with cats (since he is the
only cat).  He appears to be symptom free other than
the occasional loose stool.  

If anybody can help this cat, please let me know. 
This woman is seriously planning to euthanize the cat
she is afraid to even touch it.  My vet called and
told me about her to see if I could help if she can
convince her to surrender the cat.  The woman is
willing to let the cat go to a new home but is only
willing to keep the cat another week or two.  I will
arrange transport if anybody is able to take this cat
in.  I will also get the cat to my vet to make sure he
is up-to-date and in good shape - worm free, etc.

Amy Weygandt
Woof Wagon

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