I'm so sorry Susan. That is so sad. 
Especially about Mr. Kitty.  :(   I know we're supposed to love everyone.  But I seriously question how someone who does not love animals can love people..........
Not meant to start a debate or anything.  I feel the same way about people who hunt and eat meat.  I guess everyone has their own 'threshold' of love or something.
so sad.

Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
He paid a very dear price, indeed.  I think the couple of months he spent caged at the vet, so traumatized that he was considered feral, damaged his health to the point that it shortened his life.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It seems to me that Mr. Kitty paid a very dear price to give his owner
an opportunity to see just how bad his judgement in women must be! I do
hope they both somehow benefit from his sacrifice. They must define
"love" in a very different way then we do. Thank you again for being
there to ease Mr. Kitty's distress and confirming that some humans are

Susan Loesch wrote:

> Thanks, Nina. These old fellas are just very special, aren't they.
> We all were thinking that by now Mr. Kitty's owner - they guy who got
> married - must be paying for giving Mr. Kitty up -- by living with a
> very controlling wife! We all think he deserves it. I've got to
> wonder how much you love someone when you don't love the animals that
> they love.

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