I know what ya mean...Sleepypants hasn't quite been himself since his
brother, Ewok, died!  He's beginning to come around, but for several
weeks I seriously thought he was hiding out waiting for death to take
him!  I distracted him by taking him outside on his harness to have a
look around...he loves being outside, and I would joke with him when we
came back inside, "See?  There are things worth living for!"  ;)

I think, just like us, they need to work through their grief and sudden
change...Sleepypants is beginning to fall back into his old routine and
I can see it in his eyes that he is okay...I guess he's decided that
being here with us and without his brothers isn't such a bad deal
afterall... ;)

You guys are such wonderful "cat-parents!"  I'm sure Lucy will be
okay...she obviously has no problem letting you guys know what she
needs!  :)  I'm sure a little extra play-time is a much needed
distraction for her...even if it is at 2 o'clock in the morning!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

----- Original Message -----
Date: Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:27 pm
Subject: Lucy is bored
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org

> Lucy has been going nuts with boredom since Ginger died, and I am 
> not sure  
> what to do for her.  This happened when Ginger was with my mom for 
> a month  
> too.  Although Lucy always acted like she did not like Ginger, 
> Ginger  definitely 
> kept her occupied and entertained. When Ginger was at my mom's, 
> Lucy  figured 
> out how to get out of the cat fence-in, after 2 years of never even 
> trying 
> to, and got out of the yard constantly (at our old house). Here, 
> since  Ginger 
> died, she runs around trying to play with things (but unable to 
> entertain  
> herself as well as Ginger did) and meowing-- last night she meowed 
> and meowed  
> until I got out of bed and went and played with her, and when I 
> tried to go back 
> to bed she did it again. Gray finally went in the other room and 
> slept there 
> to  be near her (our negative, Quincy, lives in our bedroom so she 
> can't come 
> in).  We have cat trees, catnip, etc. We both work, though we are 
> each home a 
> couple  days a week. But even when we are home she seems bored.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? Tonight I am here without Gray 
> and am  torn 
> between Quincy, who was totally alone all day while I was at work, 
> and  Lucy, 
> who is going nuts. I keep going back and forth between them, but 
> want to  go 
> to bed.  I worry about the stress of boredom on Lucy, as she is  
> positive.  
> Lucy does have Patches, another positive, but does not seem at all  
> satisfied 
> with her company. The only time they interact is when they fight. I 
> have 
> feliway diffusers and spray and use both.
> Thanks for any suggestions,
> Michelle

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